
Nicolae Guta

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Nota: 4.0 din 110 votes
Comentarii (3)
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Videoclip Nicolae Guta - Nunta


  1. lindajohnsonlindajohnson (14 ani, 8 luni in urma ):
    Greetings Dear.
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    Thanks And Best Regards.

  2. plumbulplumbul (16 ani, 9 luni in urma ):
    tot guta ii number one

  3. lylyonslylyons (16 ani, 9 luni in urma ):
    sa-mi zica cineva dak exista vreun manelist mai bun dekt guta k yo imi tau ... bravo guta you are the best

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Artist: Nicolae Guta
Titlu Videoclip: Nunta
Categorie: Manele
Vizualizari: 32704
Adaugat de: admin

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